| System maintenance & setup > Implementation planning > Preparing system users

Preparing system users

A good implementation plan includes preparing the users of the PowerSchool SMS system to work with it effectively. This involves more than software training; it includes highlighting access to documentation [>>], support site(s) [>>], setting user expectations, describing new processes inherent in the system, and identifying the existing process that will change with its implementation.

The training of system users, typically the responsibility of trainers, instructional designers, and technical writers [>>], has a direct impact on system performance and response time. Prominent examples of this include searching effectively [>>] so as to generate relevant results, and using grid print [>>] rather than browser page printing. Training also increases system acceptance, reduces user errors, and reduces the cost of user support.

As a web-based application, a PowerSchool SMS system might constitute an unfamiliar and perhaps slower user experience, especially where the school district's former systems were microcomputer or mainframe applications. Typically, such systems are fully customized for the user base, rely on character-based interfaces, and respond very quickly to user input.

The implementation of new information system such as that of PowerSchool SMS inevitably involves the adoption of new processes on the part of users. Trainers should explicitly describe these processes and their underlying assumptions to the users. Moreover, a school district will likely have to adjust existing processes to accommodate the system. For example, the introduction of stored daily attendance values eliminated the need for reports to calculate daily attendance (which improved the performance of these reports) [see Attendance Reports >>]. To take advantage of this, the District Administrator needed to modify existing custom reports to use the stored values rather than calculating those values. In addition, users had to be sure to run daily attendance calculations prior to running the reports.

School Administrators deserve particular attention in a training plan. In a typical district, School Administrators constitute the majority of users. School Administrators benefit from training in the following areas:

= System timeout [>>] and the importance of saving work
= Entering and maintaining student demographic information [>>]
= Enrolling students [>>]
= Taking attendance [>>]
= Recording grades [>>]

A training plan should also take into account newly hired district staff, the introduction of a major upgrade to the PowerSchool SMS software, and timely refresher training on tasks that occur at specific times of the year, such as scheduling a new school year [Refer to Scheduling [>>]]or year-end [>>].

Always Learning
Tel: 866-434-6276
Email: psstechsupp@pearson.com