| Introduction > Working with Chancery SMS > Working on a page > Working with a grid of information

Working with a grid of information

Some pages display information in the format of grid. Each line of the grid contains a separate record, that is, an interrelated set of information. The grid's columns display selected types of information common to every record. Note: A grid of student search results differs [>>].

Figure 14: Grid elements

A Number of records currently selected in this grid

Sorting records

In general, when Chancery SMSgenerates a grid of records, it lists the records in order from top to bottom according to the first column on the left in ascending order; for example, by Student Name from A to Z. Note: For some grid types, such as student search results [>>], you have the option of applying a preconfigured grid view that sets the column sorting [>>].

You can change the sorting by one or more columns, in ascending or descending order. For example, you might want to sort a list of staff in ascending order by name, then by gender. Your sorting persists only as long as the grid is displayed; that is, when Chancery SMS generates a new grid, it uses its default grid view sorting or the grid view you last applied [>>]. Note: You can sort on a field that is not displayed as a column.

To sort the columns in a grid of records:

Figure 15: Staff record default column sorting

A Selected Columns are those on which Chancery SMS sorts the grid. The vertical order corresponds to sort order.
To sort the grid according to a column:
To sort a grid by more than one column:

Adjusting the columns displayed

On a grid of records, the columns displayed reflect only some of the fields available for each record. You can change which columns are displayed and the left-to-right order in which they are presented. Your changes take effect on all grids of records that Chancery SMS subsequently generates. For some grid types however, such as student search results [>>], you have the option of applying a preconfigured grid view that sets the columns displayed [>>].

To adjust the columns displayed in a grid

Pre-configured views of a grid of information

Rather than adjusting the display of a grid of information each time you view it, you can apply a pre-configured grid view. A grid view defines the columns displayed and the initial sorting of the information that appears in those columns. A grid view applies to a particular type of Chancery SMS page, such as student search results [>>]. Thus, each time you view that type of page, you can choose the grid view to apply (should more than one be available). Once you have chosen a grid view for a page type, Chancery SMS applies that same grid view to that page type thereafter until you make another choice.

The grid view that you choose to apply can be a personal grid view, which is particular to each user, or a global grid view, which is set up by an administrator for the use of others.

To apply a grid view to a grid:

The user can set up a grid view and save it for later use, or publish it immediately for the benefit of other users. A school-level user can set up a personal grid view for his or her own use. A School Administrator can set up a personal grid view or a global grid view of school-level information for the use of other school users. A District Administrator can set up a global grid view for the use of all district users or a personal grid view of district-level information. Once a user has set up a personal grid view, it is available only to the login ID [>>] in which it was created.

To set up a grid view [SA, DA]:

Instead of going to User Settings, the user can adjust a grid view, or save it as a new view, when working with a grid of search results.

To set up a grid view from a grid:

Figure 16: Grid views

A Page Name: Indicates the grid type to which the grid view applies. In Chancery SMS 7.7, you can set up a grid view for the following grid types: Student Search.

Table 1: Permissions pertaining to grid views


You need this permission

Set to


Create a global grid view

User Settings > Global Grid View



Printing a grid

You can print any grid in its entirety in a tabular format with a custom title and comments appended. This is particularly useful for grids that span more than one page. To print a grid, Chancery SMS first generates a PDF (the Adobe®Acrobat® file format) which you can then send to a printer.

To print a list of items that spans several pages:

Figure 17: Grid print icon

A Print icon: Enables you to print the entire grid or export its information to a specific data format [>>].

Figure 18: Sample grid printout in PDF format in a popup page

A Print icon

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