| School setup > School staff

School staff

In a PowerSchool SMS system, each person who works with students is considered staff and must have a staff record. A staff record holds information such as personal details, status, contacts details, credentials, schools, course and room preferences, time restrictions, and teaching load.

In general, a District or School Administrator sets up staff records [Adding staff >>] which a School Administrator can use in scheduling classes and other activities. A District or School Administrator can view a staff record and maintain the information therein. Once a staff member is assigned to a school, users at that school can view the record and add and change some information. These capabilities may vary, subject to permissions for roles and individual users [Table 63].

A District Administrator can view staff records across the district. A School Administrator can view staff records assigned to her school. Note:For a system user at a school to view a staff record at that school, that user must have a staff record at that school (and that school is the staff members' home school) and be logged in to the PowerSchool SMS system with a user account for which the role permits the viewing of staff records.

Given the amount of information stored in a staff record, and the purpose for which it is used, PowerSchool SMS provides several different views of a staff record: a Staff Demographics record [>>], a staff Schools record, and a Staff Scheduling Properties record [>>].

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Email: smssupport@powerschool.com

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