| Scheduling > Scheduling an elementary school > Set up multiple tracks

Set up multiple tracks

[Applies to elementary [>>] school scheduling.]

With a schedule structure in place at a school [>>], as a School Administrator you can set up a schedule that features more than one track, that is, a schedule whereby the days that a student is in class are based on the student's track assignment. At a multi-track school, you assign a student to a homeroom meeting pattern set up as a track. The student only attends classes when "on track", that is, when his or her track is in session. Also, attendance for the student is taken only when he or she is on track.

To create a multi-track schedule,you set the school's Tracks option (on the School Setup page) and set up relevant Relative-Day Patterns and meeting patterns. Consider the following detailed example in which you set up a four-track schedule at a school. All four tracks (A, B, C, and D) are within the same calendar year. On any given school day, three tracks are in session and one track is out of session. You create a Relative-Days Pattern for each day that three tracks are in session, create a meeting pattern for each track, and assign the meeting patterns to each homeroom.

To set up a four-track schedule at a school: [SA]

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