| Scheduling > Scheduling a secondary school > Assign default terms and meeting patterns

Assign default terms and meeting patterns to classes

[Applies to secondary [>>]school scheduling [>>].]

As a School Administrator, you can assign to each class a default scheduling group and term set, with attendant meeting patterns. When automatically creating classes for a course, PowerSchool SMS assigns them to this default scheduling group and distributes them between the terms of the term set. A class with a default scheduling group/term set becomes available for scheduling teachers and students.

You can also set up a term override for a course. This involves specifying other scheduling group/term set combinations that are available to the course on student request. For example, if you want to allow students to request one semester of a full year course, you can assign the full year term as the default offering and semesters as another allowed offering. When you record student course requests [>>], you can specify the full year term for students who want to take the full course, or a single semester for students you want to take part of the course, for example, if they need to switch periods. Caution: Only assign courses to the default offering. Assigning courses to multiple offerings may create grading errors.

To assign terms and meeting patterns to a class: [SA]

Figure 400: Course Offerings page

A Copy: Click to create a new course starting from an instance of the current course.

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Email: smssupport@powerschool.com

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