| School setup > Program Management > Searching for programs

Searching for programs

A Program Search panel is available on several pages and enables you to find specific programs. The following pages include Program Search:

= Program Setup
= Manage Programs

Search types

Program Search provides two ways to search for programs: Basic [>>] and Detail [>>].

Each type of search uses operators. These operators are:

= Contains - Includes the value anywhere in the field.
= Does not equal - Is anything but the specified value.
= Ends with - Ends with the value.
= Equals - Exactly matches the value.
= Is empty - Does not contains any value.
= Is not empty - Contains any value.
= Starts with - Starts with the value.

Past and future programs

Past and future programs are shown in italic type on search results pages. Depending on which page of the program you are on, depends on where you can hide/show past and future program information.

To show or hide past and/or future programs in the search results, from the Actions or Edit menu, select the option you prefer.

= To show/hide programs with dates prior to the current active calendar, select:
= Show Past Programs
= Hide Past Programs
= To show/hide programs with dates past the current active calendar, select:
= Show Future Programs
= Hide Future Programs

Using the Basic Search

Use the Basic search to search by common program features such as program category, start date, or end date. When you open a page with a Program Search panel, the Basic tab is selected by default.

In a Basic program search, you can enter up to five search criteria and the records in the search results match all defined criteria.

Each criteria has three parts:

= a field name
= an operator
= a value

Note: Some operators do not include a value dropdown. For example, if you select is not empty from the operator dropdown, you cannot specify a value.

Figure 104: Basic search

A Search criteria - field name

Using the Detail Search

Use the Detail search to search by fields within categories. Click the Detail tab to use the Detail search.

In a Detail program search, you can enter multiple search criteria and specify whether returned records match all defined criteria or any defined criteria.

Each criteria has four parts:

= a category
= a field name
= an operator
= a value

Figure 105Detail search

A Category - Select to obtain search criteria from the next dropdown.
To search programs on the Program Setup page:[DA]
To search programs on the Manage Programs page:[DA][SA]

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