In the Admin menu, click District Setup. |
On the District Setup page, under Tools, click Task Management. The Task Management page appears. |
On the grid under Task List, view a list of tasks. The information displayed includes: |
Description: A plain-language description of the process. |
Status: Potential statuses include: |
Machine name: The computer on which the task is running. |
Machine type: Indicates the role(s) of this computer within the PowerSchool SMS system. Types [>>] include: |
Frequency: Typically, the majority of the tasks handled by the Task Manager are scheduled recurring tasks; for example, "Every day", "Every 24 hours". |
Next run: The time at which the task is scheduled to run next. Many of the more processing-intensive tasks are scheduled to run at night when the user load on the system is lower. |
Last run: The time at which the task last completed. |
Duration: The amount of time taken to complete the task when last run. |
User name: The identification of the user that initiated the running of the task. For example, "Admin", "System" (displayed if no other ID is available), "Grayson, Mitch" (full name is provided instead of a User ID). |
Adjust the display as necessary; for example: |
Select Include inactive tasks to have PowerSchool SMS display in the grid (in gray italic type) tasks that are scheduled to be run but have not yet started. |
To sort the grid on a column in ascending order, click a column heading; click again to sort the column in descending order. |
To filter the list of results by Task name or Description, enter characters in Search within results and press Enter. |
To change the number of rows that PowerSchool SMS displays on each page of results, select a number from Rows. |
Total indicates total number of tasks in this grid (on all pages, if displayed on more than one page). |
Page # of # indicates the number of pages of tasks (which varies according to the number of Rows). Click the right arrow to display the next page, the left arrow to display the previous. To specify a particular page, click the current page number, type the page number you want, and press Enter. |
Note: On a system that employs PowerTeacher gradebook, we recommend that the administrator update the PowerSchool SMS Task Manager service [>>]. Once updated, the administrator should restart the service.