| Year end > Manual Year-End Processing Steps

Manual Year-End Processing Steps


This section describes each step that must be completed to run Year-End Processing manually.

Important: This section addresses only the Year-End Processing steps. It assumes that you have completed the Next-Year Preparation steps and that you have created a historical database shell and, if you are using address validation, that all geocodes are assigned correctly.

Important: When you use the manual YEP method, you must back up your database manually.

Handling Custom Data

If you have custom data in your database and you want to tell PowerSchool SMS how to handle that custom data during YEP, modify the following stored procedures with the appropriate code:


These stored procedures are updated when the following scripts are run:


The following steps are required to complete Year-End Processing manually:

Step 1: Ensure the Database is Ready for Year-End Processing
Step 2: Clear the YEP Logs
Step 3: Stop PowerSchool SMS Task Managers
Step 4: Back Up Your Database
Step 5: Lock the Database
Step 6: Update Statistics
Step 7: Back Up Your Active Calendar Database
Step 8: Restore the Active Database Over the Historical Shell
Step 9: Change the Database Owner to the Correct ID
Step 10: Verify the Historical Database Reference
Step 11: Update the Historical Flag
Step 12: Update the Backup Flag
Step 13: Disable Audit Logging
Step 14: Create Elementary Historical Records
Step 15: Back up your Database
Step 16: Create Secondary Historical Records
Step 17: Back up your Database
Step 18: Create Secondary Permanent Records
Step 19: Back up your Database
Step 20: Update Next Year Students
Step 21: Preserve Active Data
Step 22: Back up your Database
Step 23: Delete Active Data Before the Data Move
Step 23: Move Active Data
Step 24: Re-enroll Returning Students
Step 25: Synchronize Student Enrollment
Step 26: Delete Active Data After the Data Move
Step 27: Roll Over the Calendar
Step 28: Create Secondary Subject Assignments
Step 29: Enable Audit Logging
Step 30: Apply Planning Calendar Day Patterns to New Active Calendar
Step 31: Improve Performance of CSL_SMS_USER_CALENDAR Table
Step 32: Refresh Database Statistics
Step 33: Unlock the Database
Step 34: Start the PowerSchool SMS Task Managers

Tel: 866-434-6276
Email: smssupport@powerschool.com

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