| Customizing a system > Working with schemas > Configuring fields in a schema > Specifying how data is entered in the database

Specifying how data is entered in the database

When the District Administrator configures a custom field for a schema, he or she defines how the data should be entered in the database. The mechanism used to determine how data is entered is called a data type. Each data type can have one or several options. For example, for some data types the administrator can specify whether the data should be required and/or what the default data should be [Table 122].

Later, when the administrator adds the field to the custom schema [>>], he or she can define how the data will actually appear on screen. The mechanism used to display data on screen is called a control type [>>].

PowerSchool SMS supports several field data types [Table 122].

Table 122: Field data types

Data type

Data captured in the database

Data type options


Both alphabetical and numeric characters

You can set the maximum number of characters allowed and specify whether the field is required.


Numeric characters

You can enter the maximum number of digits allowed, the number of decimal places, the default value, the numeric range, and whether the field is required.


A date

You can specify whether the field is required and whether to default to today's date.


Yes and No choices specified using radio buttons

You can choose Yes or No as the default.

Setup list

Captures list items

You can select the referenced setup list and the default value.


Multiple lines of text

You can specify whether the field is required.


File attachments

You can specify whether the field is required.


Displays list items [>>]. In an Extension schema, items appear in a List Mover on a page. In a Child schema, items appear in a Grid on a page [see also Supported field data type/control type combinations >>].

You can select the referenced setup list.

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Email: smssupport@powerschool.com

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