| Customizing a system > Working with custom pages, panels, and fields > Adding text and creating links

Adding text and creating links

The District Administrator can use objects to add text, create headers, and add links. PowerSchool SMS has two types of objects:

= Text Object: Made up of lines of text. Typically, a District Administrator adds a Text Object to create a header, provide users with additional information about how to navigate through a page, or to act as a placeholder for a hyperlink [>>].
= Link Object: Appears on a panel as a hyperlink. A Link Object can provide a link to a Web page, a report, or a custom page in PowerSchool SMS [>>]. A Link Object can also provide a link to an external application [>>].

Note: You cannot add objects to a panel in a custom schema if the schema is locked [>>].

Tel: 866-434-6276
Email: smssupport@powerschool.com

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