| Appendices > Permissions catalog > Advanced Reporting permissions

Advanced Reporting permissions

These permissions control access to the Advanced Reporting Toolkit (ART), an optional extension of PowerSchool SMS. The Advanced Reporting Toolkit is high-performance, configurable, and versatile data extraction and transformation application that enables a school district to assemble and present student information as often as necessary to meet state reporting requirements and for other reporting purposes.

The relevant permissions include:

= Data Source Builder permission [>>]
= Generate Reports - Manage Snapshots permission [>>]
= Generate Reports - Submission permission [>>]
= Reporting Setup permission [>>]

To work with Advanced Reporting:

In the Admin menu, click Advanced Reporting.

= For detailed information, refer to the Advanced Reporting Toolkit Reference Manual.

Data Source Builder permission

This permission controls the user's ability to configure data sources for use in Advanced Reporting Toolkit report specifications.

Dependencies: None


= Delete: The user can view, work with, and delete data sources.
= Edit: The user can work with data sources.
= View: The user can view but not configure data sources.
= None: The user is unable to view or work with data sources.

Default settings by base role [>>]:

= District Administrator: Delete
= School Administrator: None
= School Counselor: None
= School Secretary: None
= Teacher: None
= School Health Professional: None
= District Health Professional: None

Generate Reports - Manage Snapshots permission

This permission controls the user's ability to generate report snapshots in Advanced Reporting Toolkit.

Dependencies: None


= Delete: The user can generate and delete snapshots.
= Edit: The user can generate and view snapshots.
= View: Same as Edit.
= None: The user is unable to generate or view report snapshots.

Default settings by base role [>>]:

= District Administrator: Delete
= School Administrator: Edit
= School Counselor: None
= School Secretary: None
= Teacher: None
= School Health Professional: None
= District Health Professional: None

Generate Reports - Submission permission

This permission controls the user's ability to submit the results of a generated report (that is, a submission file) in the Advanced Reporting Toolkit.

Dependencies: None


= Yes: The user can submit a submission file.
= No: The user is unable to submit a submission file.

Default settings by base role [>>]:

= District Administrator: Yes
= School Administrator: Yes
= School Counselor: No
= School Secretary: No
= Teacher: No
= School Health Professional: No
= District Health Professional: No

Reporting Setup permission

This permission controls the user's ability to set up report specifications in Advanced Reporting Toolkit.

To work with Advanced Reporting:

In the Admin menu, click Advanced Reporting.

Dependencies: None


= Delete: The user can view, work with, and delete report specifications.
= Edit: Same as Delete.
= View: The user can view and use but not change report specifications.
= None: The user is unable to view or work with report specifications.

Default settings by base role [>>]:

= District Administrator: Delete
= School Administrator: View
= School Counselor: No
= School Secretary: No
= Teacher: No
= School Health Professional: No
= District Health Professional: No

Tel: 866-434-6276
Email: smssupport@powerschool.com

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