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Adding student behavior incident details
You can add details to a student behavior incident, specifically the exact location, scheduling group, period and class, times, influencing factors such as gangs or drugs, the use of weapons, legal implications, police involvement, costs, and links to other incidents. Since such detail is useful in resolving an incident, include as much information as you can. Note: This feature is available only if your district uses the standard version of Student Behavior (that is, not Student Behavior Lite [>>].)
Locate and view the incident record [>>]. The Edit Behavior Incident page appears. |
Click Additional Incident Details. The Additional Incident Details page appears. |
Adjust the information, which includes: |
Location category: The category of the primary location of the incident; for example, "On school grounds". |
Location: The specific location where the incident occurred. The choices available in the selection list depend on the Location Category. |
School building: The school building in which the incident occurred. |
School room: The room where the incident occurred. The choices available depend on the School Building chosen. |
Other location details: Additional information about the location where the incident occurred. |
Scheduling group: Specifies the scheduling group of the class in which the incident occurred. |
Period: Specifies the period of the class in which the incident occurred. The periods available are determined by the Scheduling Group chosen. |
Class: The class in which the incident occurred. The classes available are determined by the Period chosen. |
Time classification: The general category of time in which the incident started; for example, "During school hours". |
Time sub-classification: The specific category of time in which the incident started; for example, "Period 1". The choices available depend on the Time Classification chosen. |
Other time details: A description of the time the incident started. |
Factorsselected: Factors that may have had a bearing on the incident; for example, "Gang involvement" or "Racial discrimination". Select these from the list of Factors available. |
Weapon category: If a weapon was involved, the general category of that weapon; for example, "Firearm". |
Weapon: The specific weapon used in the incident. |
Convictable: Indicates that one or more of the people involved could be convicted for an offense related to the incident. |
Police involvement: Indicates that the police were contacted regarding the incident. |
Police file number: If police were contacted, the case or file number. |
Charges laid: Indicates that one or more of the people involved had charges laid against them. |
Case outcome: If charges were laid, the outcome of the case. |
Estimated cost: The estimated or actual cost of damages. |
Drug description: If drugs were a factor in the incident, a description of that drug. |
Relate to incident number: If this incident is related to another, that incident's number. |
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