| School setup > School staff > Viewing staff > Staff Schools record

Staff Schools record

When a District Administrator assigns a staff member to a school, a school record is created for the staff member at that school. A user must have a staff record containing a school record in order to sign in to a PowerSchool SMS system and view information for a school.

Since one staff member can provide services to more than one school in the district, a District Administrator can give a staff member a school assignment [>>] at one or more schools; a School Administrator can give a staff member at his or her school assignment at a school in the district. A school assignment contains information about the type of work a staff member performs at a particular school, such as teaching English and Math or counseling. PowerSchool SMS stores all school assignments at a particular school with a school record [Figure 112]. A staff member may also provide services to the district, that is, services not associated with just one school; to record this information you can give a staff member one or more district staff assignments [>>].

Figure 112: Schools list

A District staff assignment [>>]
B School record
C School assignment

School records

You can view school records on the Schools list page [Figure 112].

To view or change a school record [SA, DA]:

We recommend that you maintain only one school record for all of a staff member’s assignments at that school, even if the staff member was assigned to that school in several different years. Note: If a staff member has more than one school record for the same school, on the Schools List page each staff assignment for that school will appear under each instance of the school record. If your district requires school records to start and end each year, on the Schools List page, you can hide school records that have an end date in the past. Note: If your district uses Active Directory to create consolidated user accounts, a school record is automatically created based on the user role and scope. For more information, see the Directory Integrator Guide.

To add a school record:

A District Administrator can delete a staff member’s school record. When this is done, the staff member is no longer available to users at that school. However, the staff member’s staff record is still available to district users. PowerSchool SMS also retains but does not display the staff member’s school assignments at the school. If you set up a new school record for the school, PowerSchool SMS displays all the staff member’s school assignments at that school. PowerSchool SMS does not retain the staff member’s scheduling preferences, staff department, and program management staff assignments at the school. Also, PowerSchool SMS removes the staff member from any student behavior incidents at the school with which they were associated.

To delete a school record: [DA]

School assignments

You can view school assignments on the Schools list page [Figure 112]. Each school record may have one or more school assignments.

To view or change a school assignment [SA, DA]:

A staff member may be assigned to a school at several different periods during their employment in the district. Each such period should be entered as a separate school assignment under the relevant school record. Also, where you need to assign a staff member to more than one position, add an assignment for each position.

To add a school assignment: [SA, DA]
To delete a school assignment: [DA]

District staff assignments

You can view district staff assignments on the Schools list page [Figure 112].

To view or change a district staff assignment: [SA, DA]

A staff member may be assigned to duties at the district level at several different periods during their employment in the district. Each such period should be entered as a separate district staff assignment.

To add a district staff assignment [SA, DA]:
To delete a district staff assignment: [DA]

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Email: psstechsupp@pearson.com