| Scheduling > Common scheduling tasks > Set subject scheduling rules

Set subject scheduling rules for an elementary school

[Applies to elementary schools]

With the subject framework [>>] for a school set up, a School Administrator can schedule any subject available to the school in one or more grade levels. Scheduling a subject involves setting its general scheduling rules (including the ability to schedule classes).

To set a subject's scheduling rules: [SA]

Figure 142: Subject Scheduling page

A Subject Name: Lists all subjects available to this school (determined by the subject framework [>>]). Click a subject name to schedule it.

For guidance on how to apply scheduling rules, refer to the following examples:

= Language Arts example: In a school where Language Arts is a core subject with a number of subject elements that are taught to all students in Grades 1 through 6, the School Administrator would set scheduling properties as follows:

Can Schedule selected.

Automatically assign this subject to all students in grade 5 selected.

Default teacher > Homeroom Teacher selected.

Number of rosters > One roster per homeroom selected. Since there are three Grade 5 homerooms, PowerSchool SMS creates three Language Arts 5 rosters.

= Art example: In a school where Art is a specialty subject taught to all students in Grades 5 and 6 by a specialty teacher in the Art Room, the School Administrator would set scheduling properties as follows:

Can Schedule selected.

School will assign this subject to individual students selected.

Default teacher > Specify and a teacher other than the homeroom teacher selected.

Number of rosters > Specify and set 4 rosters. Since not all Grade 5 students are required to take Creative Art, the school needs fewer rosters than the number of homerooms. PowerSchool SMS assigns all students to the first roster, the administrator must transfer students from that roster to the others to fill them out: on the Subject Scheduling page in the # Classes column click the number.

= Computer example: Computers 5 is a specialty subject taught to all Grade 5 students. However, because there are only fifteen computers in the Computer Lab, you must create ten Computers 5 classes to accommodate 150 Grade 5 students.

Can Schedule selected.

School will assign this subject to individual students selected.

Default teacher > Specify and a teacher other than the homeroom teacher selected.

Number of rosters > Specify and set 10 rosters. Since the Computer Lab might have a limited number of workstations, the school needs more rosters than the number of homerooms. PowerSchool SMS assigns all students to the first roster, the administrator must transfer students from that roster to the others to fill them out: on the Subject Scheduling page in the # Classes column click the number.

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