| Scheduling > Common scheduling tasks > Build the school’s master schedule

Build the school's master schedule

[Applies secondary [>>] school scheduling]

In the Planning Calendar [>>], a School Administrator builds a master schedule for the school for the coming year. The master schedule is made up of all classes created for the school, with all of their associated terms, meeting patterns, teachers, and rooms. With a master schedule in place, the administrator can schedule teachers, analyze student course requests, and assign teachers and rooms to classes.

To build a master schedule, a planning schedule [>>] with a scheduling structure and course offerings must be in place. Since each planning schedule has its own master schedule, a School Administrator can experiment with several scheduling scenarios. Such experimentation might involve several iterations of the master schedule, in each of which the administrator analyzes and adjust student requests, class scheduling parameters, and teacher allocations. When the School Administrator is satisfied with master schedule, he loads students into it.

A School Administrator can have PowerSchool SMS build a master schedule for one or more classes automatically. In preparation, the administrator sets various scheduling options [>>].

To have PowerSchool SMS automatically schedule one or more classes: [SA]

A School Administrator can build part or all of the Master Schedule manually, that is, add and remove classes deliberately one at a time without employing PowerSchool SMS's automatic processes. Also, when the schedule is active, the administrator can modify class schedules as necessary during the school year.

To adjust the master schedule manually: [SA]

Figure 150: Master Schedule page: By Course

A Sorting criteria: View the schedule by course, teacher [Figure 151], or room [Figure 152].

Figure 151: Master Schedule page: By Teacher

A Teacher: Click the teacher's name to view the teacher scheduling page. The name is followed by the teacher's FTEs. The first number in the FTE is the sum of the teacher's scheduled classes divided by the district full-time teaching load. If the teacher's teaching load is the same as the district default, the second number in the FTE is 1.0. If the teacher's default has been overridden, the second number is the overridden teaching load divided by the district full-time teaching load.
B Add: Adds the class(es) selected under Class Search Results to the teacher.

Figure 152: Master Schedule page: By Room

A Room and building: Click the room name to view room information.
B Add: Adds the class(es) selected under Class Search Results to the room.

Class scheduling options

Class scheduling options determine how the PowerSchool SMS Master Schedule Builder creates and schedules classes and how it loads teachers into schedules.

During the teacher allocation process, Master Schedule Builder takes into account teacher course preferences and other constraints. For teachers who have equal preferences, Master Schedule Builder allocates teachers in a "card-dealing" method, starting with the teacher with the fewest classes. If teachers have the same number of classes, teachers are allocated randomly and not alphabetically.

To set class scheduling options: [SA]

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