| School and district operation > Calculating daily attendance codes > Recalculating daily attendance codes

Recalculating daily attendance codes

As a School Administrator, you have the option of having PowerSchool SMS recalculate school attendance codes for specific purposes, such as:

= If daily attendance code calculation rules are changed at a school [>>], we recommend that you recalculate daily attendance codes for the affected period.
= If attendance records are cleared [>>], we recommend that you recalculate daily attendance codes for the affected period.
= If attendance records for a student have been changed, you can make PowerSchool SMS to recalculate that student's daily attendance codes [>>].

You can have PowerSchool SMS recalculate immediately, at a future time, or at regular intervals.

To recalculate daily attendance codes:[SA]

Always Learning
Tel: 866-434-6276
Email: psstechsupp@pearson.com