| Reporting on information > Report packages > Uploading the Report Package to SMS

Uploading the Report Package to Chancery SMS

Once you have the Report Package [>>] downloaded [>>] and saved in its original .zip format, you can use Chancery SMS to upload some or all of the reports to a system. A District or School Administrator can upload Report Package reports.

During the upload process, you have the opportunity to view the reports in the package and select which of the reports Chancery SMS should upload. If a report of the same name as a package report exists on the system, you have the option of instructing Chancery SMS to overwrite the existing report with the new one.

When the upload process is complete, all reports that are new on the system are automatically available to all of that system's users. For all upgraded reports (that is, reports in the package that have the same name as an existing report) Chancery SMSretains the report's options, permissions, and default filters.

Caution: The first time you upload the Chancery SMS Report Package to a system, you must upload the report named "Chancery SMS List of Reports" from the file "RptPckg.zip".

To upload the Report Package to a Chancery SMS system [SA, DA]:

Figure 82: Upload Confirmation page

A Action: Specifies the action Chancery SMS will take when you start the upload.

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