| Appendices > Permissions catalog > Transcript/Permanent Record permissions

Transcript/Permanent Record permissions

Permissions in this category pertain to viewing and recording student transcripts. These permissions include:

= Elementary Permanent Record Setup permission [>>]
= Import Historical permission [>>]
= Manually Add/Edit Historical Course permission [>>]
= Student Historical Data permission [>>]
= Transcript Columns permission [>>]
= Transcript Grade Items permission [>>]
= Transcript Options permission [>>]

Elementary Permanent Record Setup permission

This permission will take effect in a future version of Chancery SMS.

Default settings by base role [>>]:

= District Administrator: Delete
= School Administrator: View
= School Counselor: View
= School Secretary: View
= Teacher: None
= School Health Professional: None
= District Health Professional: None

Import Historical permission

This permission controls the user's ability to import historical years, courses, and course bins for use on student transcripts. For more information, refer to the Chancery SMS Import/Export Guide. To control the user's ability to schedule the import, refer to the Schedule Import permission [>>].

To import historical data [DA]:

Dependencies: None


= Yes: The user is able to import historical data.
= No: The user is unable to import historical data. On the Schedule Import page, the user can schedule import but Chancery SMS only completes the task with errors.

Default settings by base role [>>]:

= District Administrator: Yes
= School Administrator: Yes
= School Counselor: Yes
= School Secretary: No
= Teacher: No
= School Health Professional: No
= District Health Professional: No

Manually Add/Edit Historical Course permission

This permission controls the user's ability modify the following fields on the Add/Edit Historical Course page when using the course lookup feature :

= Course number
= State course ID
= Course name
= Subject area
= Alternate name
= Short name
= Course type
= Course level


= Yes: The user can edit these fields.
= No: The user can view but not change these fields.

Default settings by base role [>>]:

= District Administrator: Yes
= School Administrator: Yes
= School Counselor: No
= School Secretary: No
= Teacher: No
= School Health Professional: No
= District Health Professional: No

Student Historical Data permission

This permission controls the user's ability to work with a student's historical years and historical courses. For more information, refer to the Chancery SMS Grading Setup Guide.

To work with a student's historical years and courses:


= For this permission to be effective, the setting for the Demographic Data permission [>>] must be View or Edit.


= Delete: The user can add, edit, or delete a student's historical years and courses.
= Edit: The user can add or edit a student's historical years and courses.
= View: The user can view but not change a student's historical years and courses.
= None: The user is unable to view a student's historical years and courses.

Default settings by base role [>>]:

= District Administrator: Delete
= School Administrator: Delete
= School Counselor: Delete
= School Secretary: Delete
= Teacher: None
= School Health Professional: None
= District Health Professional: None

Transcript Columns permission

This permission controls the user's ability to specify the columns displayed on the district's standard student transcript . This information is stored on the Transcript Columns page. For more information, refer to the Chancery SMS Grading Setup Guide.

To work with district transcript's columns:

Dependencies: None


= Delete: The user can change the columns specified.
= Edit: The user can change the columns specified.
= View: The user can view but not change the columns specified.
= None: The user is unable to view the transcript columns specified. On the District Setup page, Chancery SMS does not display the Transcript Columns link.

Default settings by base role [>>]:

= District Administrator: Delete
= School Administrator: View
= School Counselor: View
= School Secretary: None
= Teacher: None
= School Health Professional: None
= District Health Professional: None

Transcript Grade Items permission

This permission controls the user's ability to define grade items for use on a school's transcripts. For more information, refer to the Chancery SMS Grading Setup Guide.

To define grade items [SA]:


= This permission applies only to a user whose role's scope is at the school level [>>].


= Delete: The user can add, edit, or delete grade items.
= Edit: Same as Delete
= View: Same as Delete
= None: Same as Delete

Default settings by base role [>>]:

= District Administrator: None
= School Administrator: Delete
= School Counselor: Delete
= School Secretary: View
= Teacher: None
= School Health Professional: None
= District Health Professional: None

Transcript Options permission

This permission controls the user's ability to specify information to be displayed on the district's standard student transcript . This information is stored on the Transcript Options page.

To work with district's standard transcript:

Dependencies: None


= Edit: The user can change the information to be displayed on the district's standard student transcript.
= View: The user can view but not change the information to be displayed on the transcript.
= None: The user is unable to view the information to be displayed. On the District Setup page, Chancery SMS does not display the Transcript Options link.

Default settings by base role [>>]:

= District Administrator: Edit
= School Administrator: View
= School Counselor: View
= School Secretary: View
= Teacher: None
= School Health Professional: None
= District Health Professional: None

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Email: psstechsupp@pearson.com