| Student management > Student records > Student record: Enrollment

Student record: Enrollment

This page of a student record displays the student's enrollment [>>] history, that is, each district school in which the student is or was enrolled. A School Administrator records enrollment. You can view detailed information on each enrollment by clicking in the Status Code column. This information includes:

= Home school: The school to which a student is assigned for reporting purposes. Typically, a student is also enrolled in this school. Depending on a system's settings, the system may determine this school, or your choice may be limited to your own school. Also, if this school is not your school, you may not be able to change it.
= Date: The date on which the enrollment status code begins.
= Status code: Entry or withdrawal status. Status codes are set up by a District Administrator [Student enrollment setup >>].Note: A student who has not met immunization requirements may be provisionally enrolled.
= Grade: The student's grade at the time of enrollment in the home school.
= Zoned school:On a system that employs address validation, the school in the student's designated zone according to his or her home address. Chancery SMS displays this school after you have set the Date and Grade and clicked Update [see Student Demographics: Overview >>].
= School of enrollment: The school the student attends. In some circumstances, this school can differ from the Home School; for example, a student may attend her home school in the morning for traditional instruction and attend a different school (her school of enrollment) in the afternoon for vocational training. Note: If you choose a school that has controlled enrollment, Chancery SMS presents fields that enable you to specify the program [>>].
= Exception reason: Describes why the School of Enrollment differs from the Zoned School, that is, why the student is enrolling in an out-of-zone school. Important: Enrolling a student in an out-of-zone school may require the approval of a District Administrator. In this case, when you click OK, Chancery SMS does not save the enrollment information and prompts you to send an approval request. If pre approval has been granted (that is, an address exception set up), Chancery SMS completes the enrollment when you click OK.
= Instr. service period of service: The type of service being provided to the student at the school.
= English language background
= Program: Where a school employs one or more programs to control enrollment, this is the controlled enrollment program in which the student has been offered a position.
= Session: Where a school employs one or more programs to control enrollment, this is the controlled enrollment program session in which the student has been offered a position.
= Queue: Where a district employs one or more programs to control enrollment, this is the controlled enrollment program session queue in which the student is positioned.
= Program status: Where a district employs one or more programs to control enrollment, this is the student's status in the controlled enrollment program.
= Program override reason: Where a district employs one or more programs to control enrollment, this indicates the reason an ineligible student is enrolled in a program.
= Additional override details: Additional information to the Program Override Reason.
= Distance from school [see Student Demographics: Overview >>]
= Home address is in school's area [see Student Demographics: Overview >>]
= Comment: Comments associated with the status code.
= Physical address [see Student Demographics: Address/Phone >>]

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