| System maintenance & setup > Upgrading an existing system > Upgrading the SMS database > Step 5: Upgrade the database

Step 5: Upgrade the database

Caution: When you upgrade the main PowerSchool SMS database, the process also upgrades the tables in the Historical Database, if one exists; some tables may be deleted. Thus, before you update the main database, preserve the Historical Database by backing it up [>>]

Note: When upgrading the database to PowerSchool SMS 8.4.3 from a version older than 8.0, the installer displays a Database Update Option dialog that asks you to select a contact matching and merging method. The options are:

= Exact match on first and last name and exact match on either phone or address.
= Near match on first name, exact match on last name and exact match on either phone or address.
= Near match on first and last name and exact match on either phone or address.

For more information, refer to Converting to PowerSchool SMS 8.0.

To upgrade the database:

Tel: 866-434-6276
Email: smssupport@powerschool.com

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