| District setup > Setting up strong sign passwords

Setting up strong sign in passwords

PowerSchool SMS provides the option to set up and manage strong passwords for the users in your district.

When server settings and email addresses have been set up, you can have PowerSchool SMS automatically generate a password and send it to a user (e.g., a new user or an existing user who has been locked out) through email. When the user signs in to PowerSchool SMS for the first time, he or she is prompted to change this password.

As a password gets close to expiry, PowerSchool SMS presents a message informing the user of the number of days left before his or her password expires, and requesting a new password. The message is displayed each time the user signs in until the password is changed. When the number of days left until expiry is zero, PowerSchool SMS presents the user with the password change page.

Note: If your district uses Active directory, you cannot use the password functionality in PowerSchool SMS.

Password Complexity

A PowerSchool SMS password must consist of six or more characters in the following combination:

= Alphabetic characters, in upper and lower case combination (characters cannot be all upper or all lower case).
= At least one non-repeating consecutive numeric or special character. For example, 67PeA#R$.

To achieve this complexity, you must configure the following password settings:

= Minimum password length is at least 6 characters and no more than 52.
= Maximum number of repeating characters is at least 3 and no more than 10.
= Minimum number of special characters is at least 1 and no more than 10.
= Number of password changes before a password can be reused is at least 5 and no more than 100.
= A password expiration can be no less than 7 days and no more than 180 days. When a password expires, the user is forced to change their password.

PowerSchool SMS rejects a password when one of the following occurs:

= The password is the same as the User ID.
= The password matches a previously used password (one that is not yet eligible for reuse).
= The password does not meet the complexity level.

System Lockout

When you set up strong passwords, you must specify the number of unsuccessful sign in attempts after which the user will be unable to sign in. When a user reaches the specified number of consecutive unsuccessful sign in attempts, he or she is locked out of PowerSchool SMS. After the final failed attempt, a message appears indicating the account is now locked and the district administrator must be notified.

When unlocking a user account, the district administrator provides the user with a new default password. When a user whose account was unlocked by the district administrator signs in to the application for the first time, PowerSchool SMS requires the user to change the password provided by the district administrator.

Setting up password complexity and system lockout:[DA]
Generating a password:[DA]

Activating a user account

While you set up a new user, or when a user is locked out of the system, the user’s account is deactivated on the Accounts page. Use the activate functionality to activate or re-activate an account and send the user a new password.

To activate an account:[DA]

Tel: 866-434-6276
Email: smssupport@powerschool.com

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