| District setup > Health Tracking setup > Setting up health tracking at the district > Specifying immunization defaults and preferences

Specifying immunization defaults and preferences

You can set up the automatic calculation of default immunization exemption expiry dates, define a grace period for early administration compliance, and enable a link to the Dose Quick Entry page on the Student Demographics page.

Defining default immunization exemption expiry dates

Set up an automatic calculation of dose exemption expiry dates by defining the number of days from the date of the original exemption. This calculated date is used if an immunization exemption expiry date is not entered on a student’s record.

To define default immunization exemption expiry dates:[DA]

Figure 347: Exemption Expiry Defaults

Entering immunization preferences

You can set an early administration compliance option and indicate whether to display a link to the Dose Quick Entry page on the Enrollment Steps page.

To define immunization preferences:[DA]

Figure 348: Additional Immunization Preferences

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