| Student management > Grading > Running grading calculations > Calculating student credits

Calculating student credits

[Applies to secondary schools only]

PowerSchool SMS calculates the credits a student receives according to the grading table you are using.

A student's credits earned are awarded based on the following:

= A credit-awarding grade item for a course the student has taken has a posted grade.
= Attendance Rules for Credit Calculations is either turned off or the student satisfies those attendance rules. A student who does not satisfy attendance rules is denied credit, overriding any calculation that might have given credit.

If they meet the above rules, students are eligible for full credit at the end of the class; whether they receive full credit then depends on the student's grade.

If your district uses attendance rules for credit calculations, then students might be denied credit due to excessive absences. For more information, see Setting up an attendance rule for credit calculations [>>].

From the Grading page, you can run credit calculations. Once the credits calculations are complete, you can override credits for individual students.

All credit overrides are recorded in the audit log so that an audit trail is kept.

Note: If a student's grade is deleted, the calculated credits earned and any overridden credits earned are also deleted, so the student will not have any credits.

Examples of Credit Calculations

= For each course in the course catalog, the district chooses whether to set the Allow Partial Credits flag.
= Schools can set up classes using different scheduling term sets, and students can be assigned to those classes with a schedule that may or may not match the schedule of the class.
Allow Partial Credits
Class and Student Schedules

Performing Student Credit Calculations

You perform student credit calculations from the same page as calculations for grades and GPAs.

Note: When you open the Student Credits page, the credits are automatically recalculated.

To perform student credit calculations:[SA]

Overriding Student Credit Calculations

You can manually override the credits PowerSchool SMS calculates for a student. When you manually override a student's credits, all calculated credits are no longer used and attendance rules are ignored. Only your manually entered value is used.

To override student credit calculations:[SA]

Figure 79: Student credits

Tel: 866-434-6276
Email: smssupport@powerschool.com

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