| District setup > Implementing PowerSchool SMS > Working with task manager

Working with task manager

The Task Manager is a Windows service that is used to manage how scheduled tasks - such as report requests, scheduling, attendance exception rule processing, etc.- are processed by the servers that are a part of your particular installation


The Task Manager comprises two services: the Task Manager Service and the Task Manager Monitor.

Task manager service

The Task Manager Service resides on each server and is set to run automatically once installed; however, after installing the service, you should verify that it is active and that the settings are correct. If the Task Manager Service fails for any reason, you can manually restart it.

To verify the Task Manager is running and set it to run automatically:
To restart the Task Manager manually:

Task manager monitor

The Task Manager Monitor is an Internet Information Server (IIS) web service that manages the performance of the various Task Manager Services running in an installation.

Whenever a new task is initiated, such as when an import is scheduled or when cTools changes trigger the Data Access View Generator, that information is sent to the Task Manager Monitor. Every five seconds, the Task Manager Services check the Monitor for new activity, rather than checking the database directly. If there is a new task registered with the Monitor, and the Task Manager supports that type of task, the server then picks up the task from the database. If there are no supported tasks, the Task Manager does not need to take any action, thereby conserving system resources.

Key files

When the Task Manager is installed, two key files are created as part of the installation process: the configuration file and the log file.

Configuration file

The configuration file contains the configuration settings used by the Task Manager. When a new version of PowerSchool SMS is installed, the installer displays the current configuration settings. To update the configuration file, you can change these settings, as appropriate. The installer then recreates the configuration file based on the settings you specify.

When you apply a PowerSchool SMS HotFix, the existing configuration settings are automatically retained.

Log files

Whenever there is a problem with the Task Manager or with a task run by the Task Manager, an error is written to the PowerSchool.TaskManager.Service.Log file. This is a cumulative log of issues; errors remain logged until the log itself is replaced or purged.

To locate the Task Manager log file:

Database components

The Task Manager is built into PowerSchool SMS, meaning that key components of the tool itself are located in tables in the PowerSchool SMS database. These tables are the source of important information on the configuration of the Task Manager, including Machine Types, tasks, and task status.

All of these tables are accessed using Microsoft SQL Query Analyzer. It is a good idea to create a user account that has read-only access to the database tables for the purpose of checking Task Manager settings. This will ensure that you do not alter the tables themselves accidentally.

Machine type

The machine type for a Task Manager determines what types of tasks it can run. The number for the machine type is converted to binary to signal which tasks are supported:

Table 59: Machine types

Machine Type



Directory Services



Database Server (includes SIF)



Web Server



Report Server (Processor-Intensive)



Gradebook Server



Scheduling Server



Lightweight Report Server



Application Server (includes K12Planet, Import/ Export)



These values can be added together to produce combinations of supported task types. For example, the machine type 1020 (1111111100) is the sum of all of the decimal values above. This machine type therefore indicates that all tasks are supported.

To prevent tasks from being skipped or missed, it is critical that each type of task is enabled for at least one server in your installation. Checking the Machine Types for all of the Task Managers is a good way to test this. CSL_SS_TASK_MANAGER is a centralized location where you can review the Machine Type of all of the Task Managers set up on the various servers in your installation.

Old entries are not automatically removed from this table. If there are multiple entries for the same machine, refer to the LAST_RECURRED_ON column to determine which is the most recent entry.

To review Machine Types:


You can also check the actual tasks that are a part of the Task Manager for a particular server in the CSL_SS_TASK table. This table includes the status of the various tasks in the Task Manager. The statuses are as follows:

= 0 - Unknown
= 1 - Waiting
= 2 - Not Started
= 3 - Completed
= 4 - Running
= 5 - Retrying
= 6 - Failed
= 7 - Aborted
= 8 - Suspended
To review the tasks in the Task Manager:

Tel: 866-434-6276
Email: smssupport@powerschool.com

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