| School setup > Attendance setup > Setting up the daily attendance code calculation > Choosing a daily attendance code calculation method

Choosing a daily attendance code calculation method

You choose the method by which PowerSchool SMS calculates daily attendance code. Your choice depends on the school's attendance method [>>]. Your options are:

= Sample Method: PowerSchool SMS calculates a daily code based on samples of period attendance code combinations that correspond to a daily attendance code. For example, PowerSchool SMS may assign a student a daily attendance code of "Absent" to a student if that student was recorded absent in period 1 and period 5. With the Sample Method, you must create a sample for every possible combination. This method is mandatory in a school that uses the Twice-daily attendance method.
= Occurrence Method: PowerSchool SMS calculates a daily code based on the number of times a specific attendance code is recorded within specific periods. For example, PowerSchool SMS may assign a student a daily attendance code "Present" if that student was recorded present at least twice within periods 1, 4, and 8.
To set the daily attendance code calculation method [SA]:

Tel: 866-434-6276
Email: smssupport@powerschool.com

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