| Appendices > PowerSchool SMS Report Package reports > Administration Reports > Online Contact Requests Status Report

Online Contact Requests Status Report

This report provides the status of online contact update requests sent from ParentCONNECTxp (4.2 and later) to PowerSchool SMS.

The online contact requests in the report are grouped by status: Approved, Rejected, and Pending. For Approved and Rejected contact update requests, the report displays the following:

= The student's name
= The request type: Add, Remove or Delete, Update, Change Order. Note: When a ParentCONNECTxp user requests the removal of a contact, and the contact is linked only to the current student, PowerSchool SMS sets the request type to "Delete" and, if the request is approved, removes the contact from the database; however, if the contact is linked to other students, PowerSchool SMS sets the request type to "Remove", and removes the contact only from that student's record.
= The name of the contact for whom the request applies
= The field in PowerSchool SMS SMS to which the requested change applies
= The current information in that field (if there is no current information in the field, this column is blank)
= The requested update information for that field
= The name of the contact who submitted the request
= The date the request was submitted
= The name of the staff member who approved or rejected the request
= The date of approval or rejection

For Pending requests, the report displays the student's name, the request type and the contact name.

Figure 460: Online Contact Requests Status Report sample output

Report options include:

= Today: The report displays all requests as of the first day of the school's active calendar up to and including today.
= Select: The report displays all requests as of the first day of the school's active calendar up to the date entered (the date entered must be within the active calendar).
= Start and End: The report displays all requests as of the start and end dates entered (the dates entered must be within the school active calendar).

By default, the following roles have permission to run this report; however, this report can be run for individual schools only (that is, it cannot be run district wide):

= District Administrator
= School Administrator
= School Counselor
= School Secretary

Tel: 866-434-6276
Email: smssupport@powerschool.com

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