| Reporting on information > Viewing SMS schemas

Viewing PowerSchool SMS schemas

PowerSchool SMS provides a built-in Data Dictionary that enables report writers and others to look through PowerSchool SMSschemas for information about schema content.

To view PowerSchool SMS schemas: [SA, DA]

1 In the Admin menu, click District Setup. The District Setup page appears.
2 Under Reports, click Customize Reports. The Customize Reports page appears.
3 In the Actions menu, click Data Dictionary. The Data Dictionary page appears.
4 Click Choose Columns [Figure 80]. The Choose Columns to Display dialog appears.
5 Select the information you want to view and click OK. The information you selected appears in the right-hand grid.
= When you leave the Data Dictionary page, your selections are retained.
6 Find the schema:
= Choose a schema from Select a schema.
= Or, enter all or part of the schema name in Search for schema. PowerSchool SMS displays in Select a schema schemas that match the characters you entered [Figure 80].
= Use "%" to find a group of unknown characters.
= Use "_" to find one unknown character.
= Use "[ ]" to find a character in a set.
= Use "[^]" to find a character that is not in a set.
= To refine the results in Select a schema, choose from the following options:
= Schema: This is the default option. PowerSchool SMS displays in Select a schema schemas that match the characters you entered.
= Column: PowerSchool SMS displays in Select a schema schemas that contain a column that matches the characters entered in Search for schema.
= TABLE_NAME: PowerSchool SMS displays in Select a schema schemas that contain the physical database table name that matches the characters entered in Search for schema.
= COLUMN_NAME: PowerSchool SMS displays in Select a schema schemas that contain the physical database column name that matches the characters entered in Search for schema.
7 Choose the schema from Select a schema. The information from the schema you selected appears in the grids.

Figure 80: Data Dictionary page

A Click Choose Columns to select the information you want to view.

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