| District setup > Student numbers

Student numbers

PowerSchool SMS identifies each student in a district by a number. Every student number in the district is unique. PowerSchool SMS prevents duplicate numbers, that is, no two students can have the same student number.

During student registration, system users can type in each new student number, or a District Administrator can set PowerSchool SMS to generate new student numbers automatically [>>]. Caution: Once the number is entered or generated, it cannot be changed.

Automatically generated student numbers

PowerSchool SMS can generate student numbers according to preset criteria, including length in digits. These criteria are applied to the creation of student numbers across the district.

An auto-generated student number has up to four components. For examples, see Table 47 [>>]:

= Prefix padding: Increases the number of digits in the prefix by a fixed number to ensure the number matches the specified prefix length.
= Prefix: This can be fixed set of characters or an automatic set generated from such information as graduation year, current year, or school ID number.
= Main part padding: Increases the number of digits so that the number matches the specified student number length.
= Main part: Increments for each new number according to your specified amount. If the main part is a mixture of letters and numbers, the number increments starting from the last character; for example: AA98, AA99, AB00, AB01.

Table 47: Sample auto-generated student numbers

Complete number

Prefix Padding


Main part padding

Main part











Note: Pearson Support can advise you on how to generate the type of student number you need.

To control how student numbers are generated [DA]:

Always Learning
Tel: 866-434-6276
Email: psstechsupp@pearson.com