| System maintenance & setup > Upgrading an existing system > Upgrading the SMS database > Step 5: Upgrade the database

Step 5: Upgrade the database

Caution: When you upgrade the main PowerSchool SMS database, the process also upgrades the tables in the Historical Database, if one exists; some tables may be deleted. Thus, before you update the main database, preserve the Historical Database by backing it up.

Note: When upgrading the database to PowerSchool SMS 8.0 from an older version, the installer displays a Database Update Option dialog that asks the administrator to select a contact matching and merging method. The options are:

= Exact match on first and last name and exact match on either phone or address.
= Near match on first name, exact match on last name and exact match on either phone or address.
= Near match on first and last name and exact match on either phone or address.

For more information, refer to the Converting to PowerSchool SMS 8.0technical bulletin.

To upgrade the database:

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