| Scheduling > Set up a schedule structure > Setting up meeting patterns

Setting up meeting patterns

[Applies to elementary [>>] and secondary [>>] school scheduling.]

A meeting pattern is a series of one or more periods when a class is to meet. At a school with several meeting patterns set up in its scheduling structure, the School Administrator can assign a meeting pattern to any newly set up class [>>].

To view a school's meeting patterns: [SA]

Figure 157: Meeting Patterns page

A Meeting Patterns for Scheduling Group: The group to which these meeting patterns apply.

The administrator defines a meeting pattern by choosing periods from a existing bell schedule. We recommend that the administrator name the meeting pattern in a way that indicates when the class meets. A School Administrator sets up one or more meeting patterns for each scheduling group [Figure 157]. If your schools uses a multiple track schedule [>>], you can also use a meeting pattern as a track.

To set up a meeting pattern: [SA]

Figure 158: Edit Meeting Pattern page

A Class meetings
B Blocked periods: For a school to offer a class in a blocked period, the administrator can set up a meeting pattern that has multiple, consecutive periods. Caution: Do not use the Add More Detail link on the Master Schedule page to create double periods by assigning multiple meeting patterns to a class. The More Detail option creates multiple rows for the class in the database, which can be confusing on other pages, such as the Class Search page.

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