| Scheduling > Set up a schedule structure > Defining scheduling groups

Defining scheduling groups

[Applies to elementary [>>] and secondary [>>] school scheduling.]

A scheduling group is a group of students that follows the same bell schedule and meeting patterns. In a secondary school, a scheduling group in addition to following the same bell schedule and meeting patterns also uses the same term set and term dates. A School Administrator can use a scheduling group to group different types of classes. For example, you can create a homeroom bell schedule with only A.M. and P.M. blocks and a class bell schedule that covers a six period day.

At an elementary school, by default, a PowerSchool SMS system has two scheduling groups: one for homerooms and one for classes [>>]. The administrator can change these default groups. At a secondary school, the administrator can add more types of scheduling groups, each with its own term set, term dates, bell schedules and meeting patterns. For example, an administrator could set up scheduling groups by grades, such as a Junior group for grades 9 and 10, and a Senior group for grades 11 and 12, or scheduling groups by programs, such as an Accelerated group for the Advance Placement and Honors classes, and a Regular group for the regular classes, or set up a separate scheduling group with a different bell schedule for double-block classes. Later, when the administrator sets up term sets and term dates, she can define the start and end dates of each term for each scheduling group.

To work with a scheduling group: [SA]

Default scheduling group assignment—elementary schools

When an elementary School Administrator creates a new homeroom or class, PowerSchool SMS automatically assigns it to a scheduling group. By default, PowerSchool SMS assigns a homeroom to the homeroom scheduling group and a class to the classes scheduling group. You can change this default assignment. For example, an administrator may want to assign all homerooms and classes to the same scheduling group. Note: A change to the default assignment only affects a class or homeroom created thereafter.

To change the default scheduling group assignment at an elementary school: [SA]

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