| System maintenance & setup > Upgrading an existing system > Post-upgrade tasks > Run processes and diagnostics

Run processes and diagnostics

After the upgrade, perform the following tasks:

= Run data mapping [>>].
= Wait for the overnight processes to complete.

If you have upgraded from Microsoft SQL Server 2000 to SQL Server 2005 or 2008, perform the following tasks:

1 Check for I/O errors (ensures pages were not corrupted since they were last written to the disk) by executing the following once:
ALTER <your database name> SET PAGE_VERIFY CHECKSUM;
2 Create missing statistics on columns used by indexes by executing either the first or second statement after each upgrade:
EXEC sp_createstats 'indexonly';(This will create statistics using the default sampling rate.)
EXEC sp_createstats 'indexonly', 'fullscan'; (This will create statistics using full scan.)

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