| Customizing a system > Working with custom pages, panels, and fields > Adding text and creating links > Linking to an external application

Linking to an external application

The District Administrator can use a Link Object [>>] to link a field or text to another application; for example, to link a field on a student's record in PowerSchool SMS to the same student's record in a library system [Figure 199].

Figure 199: Linking an object to an external application:

A External application URL.

When linking to an external application, the following rules apply:

= The PowerSchool SMS field number must be defined on the page in the external application.
= The PowerSchool SMS field to which the Link Object will be attached must be the control type Text Box [>>] and must be set to read-only.
= When creating the Link Object, both the URL and the parameter to pass in the Link to the Web Page field must be entered. The parameter name references the metadata schema name [>>], not the field name. For example, to reference Student ID, the schema name is {Number}; therefore, the parameter must be {Number}.
= Do not surround the metadata schema name in quotes because PowerSchool SMS cannot interpret this value. If the third-party application you are linking to requires quotes around the field name, use %22.
= The parameter to pass must exist on the page in the application you are linking to. The parameter in the example below is the Student ID field, which has a PowerSchool SMS schema name of {Number}. PowerSchool SMS passes this parameter to the external application's Student ID field, which is named "std" on the external application page.

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