| School setup > Attendance setup > Setting up attendance related to student behavior

Setting up attendance related to student behavior

You can set the system to assign an attendance code to a student when a specific student behavior action [Behavior >>] is recorded for a student; for example, where a student is suspended for three days, Chancery SMS can record that student absent for each of those three days.

Chancery SMS sets the student's default attendance value to the attendance code assigned to the behavior action. The attendance code applies to periods in a school that collects class attendance, to half days in a school that collects twice-daily attendance, and to full days in a school that collects daily attendance. Where several behavior actions are recorded for a student on the same day and those actions are associated with different attendance codes, Chancery SMS assigns an attendance code by referring to the priorities on the Behavior Attendance Action setup list [see >>]. Chancery SMS assigns the attendance code when the system is next able.

You set this up by associating an attendance code [>>] with an student behavior attendance action, which a District Administrator sets up [>>].

To associate an attendance code to a student behavior attendance action [SA]:

Figure 106: Student Behavior Attendance Actions

A Attendance Action: A student behavior attendance action [>>].
B Attendance Code [>>]

Table 33: Permissions pertaining to attendance related to student behavior


You need this permission

Set to


Associate an attendance code with a student behavior attendance action

School Setup > Attendance General Settings



Always Learning
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Email: psstechsupp@pearson.com