| User setup > Roles > Role permissions

Role permissions

A role's permissions enable a District Administrator to control each that role's ability to view and change information (such as legal alerts, report cards, and photos) and the actions a user can take [Figure 123]. A role inherits the permission settings of its associated base role [>>]. Any changes to a role's permissions affect only that role.

Figure 123: Permission settings example

Permissions pertaining to actions can be set to:

= Yes: The user can complete the action.
= No: The user cannot complete the action.

Permissions pertaining to viewing information can be set to:

= None: The user cannot see the information.
= View: The user can view the information but he or she cannot change or delete it.
= Edit: The user can view and change the information but he or she cannot delete it.
= Delete: The user can view, change, or delete the information.

A setting for one permission can affect another permission. Refer to the Permissions catalog [>>] for a detailed description of each permission and its potential settings.

To view a role's permissions: [DA]

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