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Database Server requirements

Database Server requirements are determined by the number of students the Chancery SMS system is expected to handle. The main type, a Transactional Database Server, may be supplemented by a Reporting Database Server. The Reporting Database Server is optional and requires a more senior DBA on site. It is possible to run the reports from the Transactional Database Server if the hardware is powerful enough.

Storage space requirements are determined by the size of the database plus the Chancery SMS application software as well as other factors such as the recovery model and the log file management process. Where fail-over clustering or log shipping is in use, we recommend at least two Transactional Database Servers [Figure 166].

Database Server

We recommend that each Database Server have the following characteristics:

= Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R1 64-bit, x64
= Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 64-bit
= Microsoft SQL ServerĀ® 2008 SP2 64-bit
= Microsoft SQL ServerĀ® 2008 R2 64-bit
= To use fail-over clustering or log shipping, Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R1
= The latest generation of Intel or AMD x64 multi-core processors
= Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1, 4.0
= Disk subsystems RAID 1, RAID 10 or RAID 0+1
= Hyper-threading disabled
= At least 1 terabyte of storage (additional storage may be required for backups and tertiary environments)
= Network interface cards (NICs) and RAID controllers appropriate to the system
= Chancery SMS components and other third-party components as required

For 30,000 to 50,000 students:

= 4 cores or better microprocessor system
= 8 GB RAM minimum

For 50,000 to 75,000 students:

= 8 cores or better microprocessor system on minimum two physical processors
= 16 GB RAM minimum

For 75,000 to 100,000 students:

= 16 cores or better microprocessor system on minimum two physical processors
= 32 GB RAM minimum

Reporting Database Server

A dedicated Reporting Database Server has similar requirements to the Transactional Database Servers with the following differences:

= Half the number of processors, to a minimum of two.
= Half the memory
= No fail over is necessary

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