| Year end > Next-year preparation > Create and configure the district Planning Calendar > Adjust staff scheduling parameters

Adjust staff scheduling parameters

Staff scheduling parameters include:

= A teacher's full-time teaching load expressed as a number of hours per day. The default load is 5 hours. In each school's Planning Calendar, Chancery SMS assigns this teaching load to each staff member. A School Administrator can adjust a teacher's load individually. Chancery SMS uses this figure to compare a teacher's actual teaching load to the full-time equivalent and thus determine if a teacher is overloaded or not (each course in the course catalog has a load value) [see >>]
= The maximum number of students each teacher can have across all classes [>>]. By default, no maximum is set.

When a District Administrator creates a Planning Calendar, Chancery SMS copies the staff scheduling parameters from the Active Calendar. Thus the District Administrator need only adjust the parameters if necessary to prepare for the next year.

To adjust staff scheduling parameters for the next year [DA]:

Always Learning
Tel: 866-434-6276
Email: psstechsupp@pearson.com