| System maintenance & setup > Implementation planning > Assessing infrastructure needs > Workstation performance

Workstation performance

The performance of the Chancery SMS system, a web-based application, at each user's workstation is critical to the success of an implementation. Apart from network performance, workstation performance can depend on such factors as processor speed, memory, and hard drive space. Refer to User access requirements [>>]. Advances in the Microsoft operating system and browser technologies typically increase demands on workstations and reduce overall performance.

To ensure optimum workstation performance, we recommend the following practices:

= Set minimum hardware standards [see >>].
= Standardize on one operating system where possible [see >>]. In addition to guaranteeing performance, this facilitates the troubleshooting of user issues.
= Apply appropriate security measures. Such measures should include strict standards and procedures to protect against viruses and spy ware.
= Specify appropriate screen sizes and resolutions [see >>]. For a School Administrator or Secretary, we recommend a resolution greater than 640x480.
= Optimize the web browser for performance and security [>>].
= Configure web browser's cache size. We recommend 100-150 MB. Clear the cache after the installation of a major Chancery SMS upgrade.
= Ensure that a web browser bookmark (also known as a "favorite") is used for access to the Chancery SMS system rather than a desktop shortcut.
= Specify the school district's default web browser "Internet Properties > Advanced" settings and ensure that they are applied.
= Ensure that the appropriate version of Adobe Acrobat [see >>] is installed and operating correctly. Improper installation is a common source of problems.

Always Learning
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Email: psstechsupp@pearson.com