| Student management > Student records > Student record: Demographics > Student Demographics: Federal Info

Student Demographics: Federal Info

The information on this Student Demographics page [>>] tab is required by the federal government. The tab has information that is also found on the Personal Info [>>] tab. Information includes the following:

= Ethnic category: The student's primary ethnic category.
= Federal ethnic category: The student's primary federal ethnic category. This is a category of ethnic identity recognized by the U.S. federal government for the purposes of census statistics and employment.
= Federal race categories: The student's race or races.
= Lunch status [see Student Demographics: Overview >>]
= Permission to share lunch eligibility [see Student Demographics: Overview >>]
= Immigrant student [see Student Demographics: Personal Info >>]
= Year entered country [see Student Demographics: Personal Info >>]
= Year started school [see Student Demographics: Personal Info >>]
= Immigrated from: The country from which the student immigrated.
= Migrant status: Indicates that the student, or the student's parent/guardian, maintains primary employment in one or more agricultural or fishing activities on a seasonal or temporary basis.
= First date enrolled US school [see Student Demographics: Personal Info >>]
= Home language survey panel

Is a language other than English spoken at home?: Indicates that the student may require an English Language Learners program.

Does the student speak a language other than English?: Indicates that the student may require an English Language Learners program.

= Home language: The language or dialect routinely spoken in the student's home. May differ from the student's native language.
= Dominant language: The language or dialect the student best understands and with which they are most comfortable.
= Native language: The language or dialect first learned by the student or first used by the parent/guardian with the child. Also referred to as the student's primary language.
= Other language: Notes another language or dialect, other than the dominant language, in which the student is proficient.

Table 12: Permissions pertaining to student Federal information


You need this permission


Set to

Add and edit a student's lunch status

Students > Lunch Status Panel



Add and edit Home Language Survey information

Students > Home Language Survey



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